
The California Law Enforcement Association of Records Supervisors (CLEARS) invites your company to become a Corporate Sponsor of our organization. CLEARS was formed more than 50 years ago for the purpose of associating persons actively engaged in criminal justice records to create a strong team of professionals in our field. Our continuing goals are to:

  • Encourage research and enhancement for the betterment of records management.
  • Keep members apprised of the latest technology in our profession.
  • Propose and monitor legislation concerning criminal justice issues.

More than 500 CLEARS law enforcement and criminal justice members represent agencies throughout the State of California. As users of your products and services a partnership can achieve goals of developing and implementing the latest and greatest there is to offer in our profession. Sponsorship will be valid for each calendar year. All applications received on or after November 1st will be considered for the next year.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Shannel Honoré, Chula Vista Police Department
(619) 691-5132